Year | Month | No | Title |
1974 | December | 195 | C-13-Spin-Lattice-Relaxation-Times as a Probe for Complexation of n-Butyllithium |
1975 | January | 196 | Temperature Dependent Long Range Coupling |
1975 | July | 202 | The t-Butyl-Group as Sensor Group |
1975 | October | 205 | N-15-FT-Experiments on CIDNP |
1975 | December | 207 | Replacement for P.10 Issue #205 |
1976 | July | 214 | The Absence of Long Range C-13C-13 Coupling Constants in Homoadamantane Derivatives |
1977 | May | 224 | FAN Spectra on the XL-100 Spectrometer |
1978 | February | 233 | Light for the XL-100 |
1978 | December | 243 | C-13 C-13 Spin Coupling Constants Additive or NOT? |
1979 | September | 252 | C-13 C-13 Spin Coupling Constants in Azulenes |
1980 | June | 261 | Data Transfer from a XL-100 to a Computer Center |
1981 | April | 271 | Supercon Installation and Helium Recovery |
1982 | February | 281 | Long Range Deuterium Isotope Effects in C-13 NMR |
1982 | December | 291 | Deuterium Isotope Effect on C-13 Chemical Shift Over 12 Bonds |
1983 | September | 300 | Hyperconjugation and Deuterium Isotope Effects? |
1984 | July | 310 | C-13 NMR Linewidth of Cations |
1985 | May | 320 | Charge Dependence of C-13 – C-13 Spin-Spin Coupling Constants |
1986 | March | 330 | An Increment System for Deuterium Isotope Effects |
1987 | January | 340 | Temperature Dependent Deuterium Isotope Effects |
1987 | December | 351 | Fossel Test with Automatic Sample Changers |
1988 | May | 356 | SELINQUATE, a Frequency Selective Version of INADEQUATE |
1988 | August | 359 | Methods in Quantitative NMR Analysis |
1989 | February | 365 | Useful Hints: Laser Plotter, Home Control, and Networking |
1989 | November | 374 | Rapid Injection and COSY Speed-Up |
1990 | August | 383 | SELRESOLV: Selective Mearurements of Long Range C,H-Coupling Constants |
1991 | May | 392 | A Method No Manufacturer Will Approve of – or, High Field on Bacon |
1992 | February | 401 | 2D 13C, 199Sn Correlation |
1992 | November | 410 | 3D H,C,P Correlation |
1993 | August | 419 | 13C, 199Hg Correlation |
1994 | May | 428 | Two NMR Instruments Combined in One Experiment: C-13, F-19 Correlation |
1995 | January | 436 | Determination of a Selected Long-Range C, H Spin Coupling Constant |
1995 | September | 444 | gs-SELTRIP |
1996 | June | 453 | Working on the Structure of the Transcarboxylase Carrier |
1997 | March | 462 | NMR Fan Project |
1997 | November | 470 | ACCORD-HMBC |
1999 | March | 486 | Surprises on Symmetry |
1998 | July | 478 | Tricoordinate Zincates |
2000 | January | 496 | Petroleum and Pulsed Field Gradients |
2000 | September | 504 | Solvent-Solute Interactions |
2001 | May | 512 | TMS as a Diffusion Reference |
2001 | September | 516 | Final Contribution #38: Solvation by Means of Intermolecular NOE’s |